
I hate these fucking bitches who have boyfriends but are still on grindr but then still initiate conversations with you. Stop getting my hopes up!


These dudes were good for making fun of, though.


Sometimes I’m in a homewrecking mood.


Like the old saying goes: all roads lead to Rome. Or sexual topics, in this case. Whatever.

(BTW, this conversation ended up confronting and I became friends with these dudes. Theyre actually nice)



Hey! Sorry for not posting yesterday. I was off slutting it up in Vegas! And by slutting it up, I mean I was working an event there. (Doing technician stuff. Don’t worry, I’m not some high-class waiter) However, at this event there was this group of workers who were hired to go around and take pictures with people, and whenever they went backstage, they were with me and the other technicians.

Two of them were these really cute latino guys, though, and I realized that they were both dating each other! So of course I was heartbroken. But I talked to them anyway and became friends, and at the end of the night, one of them gave me his phone number.

I had to leave the next day, though, so really there wasn’t any point, but as this guy and I chatted, I kept trying to figure out if he was just being friendly with me, or if he wanted to get in my pants. It all became clear though when he told me that he thought he saw me the next day and that he wanted to “jump all over me.” I said to him, “Wait, don’t you have a boyfriend???” to which he responded,


I responded to that, then, saying “HA! I KNEW you two were in an open relationship!!”

To which HE responded,



So that was my time in Vegas.