
That’s right! Over the weekend Ineligible Bachelors reached 100 followers, and I’m actually pretty excited about that. Thank you guys so much for validating my desire to publicly make fun of weirdos on the internet. It would have been a fine journey to do on my own but having y’all along for the ride has really made it all feel more worthwhile.

I’ll make a normal post later today, but first I just wanted to dedicate a post to this. Thanks to all for reading the blog so far, and for the newer followers, welcome to IB!

I hope you’ve all had a great weekend. I know I have.

Peace, Love, and Up The Butt!
– Terrible Loser


UR A TOP?? (two-parter)




So this guy decided to challenge the fact that I’m a top by joking about me sitting on his dick. And considering his “dick” is so large that you can clearly see it even in his thumbail-image profile picture, I decided to throw some shade back.




To which he made another joke and then called me ugly. But at least he punctuated it with a smile! And he also blocked me because I tried to respond with something (I wanted to say “you’re so flirty!”) but I found that I couldn’t.


Too bad, though. I was just starting to like this guy’s attitude…





I love the grammar of this message. I like to imagine that he’s sitting with me at a bar and he’s just randomly showed up with a cigar in his mouth, and he’s all “Hey there sweet cheeks, ask you what — how d’ya like ta fuck?”


“I’ll suck ya fer a quatah!”